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Girl with Dogs


Prayer is always a needed and much-appreciated way to support our ministry. The shelter has a dedicated prayer room for anyone who would like prayer.


Things To Pray For

  • Our ministry to the homeless and others

  • Financial Support

  • Spiritual growth for our guests

  • Financial stability for our guests

  • Success for our guests

  • Mental Stability for our guests

  • For our staff that they can lead our guests in the right direction


We appreciate any donation you can make! Please call to check what supplies we are in need of. We accept items like twin & full blankets and sheets/ kitchen & bathroom cleaning supplies/ dish soap/ paper towels/ toilet paper/ bath towels/ "HE" laundry detergent/ canned foods/ boxed foods/ and frozen ground beef.



One way to get involved is to make a donation. Sanctuary Homeless Shelter is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Our goal is to serve the community and help families and individuals get back on their feet. Without the support of our community and generous givers, our mission would not be possible!


Cleaning, babysitting, running errands, and driving people to appointments are some simple and helpful ways to support our cause. Please click on the link below to contact us and see what options are available.

Get Involved: Get Involved
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